Age: 1 Year
Sex: Niño - Male Niña - Female
Size: Small
Breed: Niño - Maltese Chihuahua Mix Niña - Shih Tzu Maltipoo Mix
Meet Nino and Nina, an inseparable pair of furry friends who are ready to bring their special bond into your home! Nina is a stunning dark-colored Shih Tzu/Maltipoo mix with a luxurious long coat, while her brother Nino is a charming light-colored Maltese/Chihuahua mix both with a gentle demeanor.
These two have weathered life's storms together, and their unbreakable bond is a testament to their love and loyalty. They thrive on each other’s company, and their playful antics and serene presence make them the perfect duo for a calm, loving home. Nina is not only a cute cuddle bug but also a fierce protector. If Nino ever finds himself in a tricky situation, his sister Nina is right there to protect him. Their affectionate nature extends to other dogs, cats, and children, making them adaptable and easy to integrate into any family.
They are a perfect pair for someone who enjoys peaceful evenings and cherishes the comforting presence of two adorable pups, Nino and Nina are sure to bring joy and warmth to your life. Adopt this dynamic duo and experience the heartwarming bond they share every day!